I'm not sure if anyone can truly understand the sacrifices made by their mothers for them. So much is given up and put aside for the furthering of their children. As a mother of two now, I am coming to realize all the many many things that I know my mother did for me and gave up for me and learning what I must give up now for my boys. There are big sacrifices, like giving up dreams that you may have had but are now tucked away. There are small sacrifices that you give up everyday just to make theirs better. And it's worth it. During this season of our Savior and a time of thanksgiving I want to say thank you. Thank you to the mothers who give up everything, and nothing. Because what we do give up, is overshadowed one-million fold by seeing our little ones grow up. And hopefully grow up to be better than we were. I also want to give a personal thank you to my own mother. Who gave up so much for me. Who stayed up late at night helping me with procrastinated school projects, dealing with silly drama issues at school, or just chatting.
To be a mother is so much more than the world sees it as these days. We have to be a little bit of everything. A nurse, a protector, a teacher, a counselor, a house keeper, an example, a comforter and more. One of the greatest of my blessings is being a mother. It's the most difficult, trying, exhausting job I have. But it's the best job. :)